I found this really cool video I made after the 2016 School Board Election. Running for election is much different during a pandemic. In 2016, my family and I knocked on EVERY door, around 10,000 doors. Because of COVID and because some people are uncomfortable with people knocking on their door, I have taken my campaign to the streets!

STOP and TALK to Darrell Robinson

yOUR VOICE on the Jordan School Board

During the 2016 Jordan School Board Campaign, my family and I knocked on nearly every door in district 1 which is West Riverton and Herriman area. If you were not home, we left you this flyer. (I hope you still have it)

I loved having the opportunity of getting to know each one of you. I love nothing more than to talk to YOU about our schools.

We live in unprecedented times. COVID 19 has forced us to seek seek shelter in our homes and for some, questioning the distance they should have from others. Some of you would be very comfortable with me knocking on your door. Others could find that offensive.

Screen Shot 2016-10-16 at 12.12.09 AM.png

Out of an abundance of caution, I will be taking my campaign to the streets instead of your home.

Yard Signs.png

Each weekday, and some Saturday’s, I will be on the corners throughout Jordan School Board District 1. Honk and wave at me when you drive by. If you have the time, stop and talk to me. I want to personally get to know you and hear about your experiences with our schools.

Knowing "yOUR VOICE" (Darrell Robinson) on the Jordan School Board will increase the likelihood that you will contact ME when you have real issues. I want to earn yOUR VOTE.  

Stop by and get a yard sign. Sign up to help on my campaign.

I am always available to text or call me on my cell 801-699-8017. You can email me DrDarrellRobinson@Gmail.com. I would be happy to stop by your home or have a zoom conference with you and your neighbors and friends.

Where is Darrell’s "Stop & Talk" today?  Follow me on facebook yOUR VOICE on the Jordan School Board.

Where's Darrell? If you can not find him, call him 801-699-8017 and he will tell you what corner he is on today! Darrell Also makes House Calls.