You can have it yOUR way:
Middle School Credit Update
The 19th Century Education Model forced students into taking many classes that they did not want to take, and really did not matter in their overall learning. It is the ONE SIZE fits ALL model. It works, as long as you fit into the box of a traditional student.
The center focal point of 21st Century Education is to PERSONALIZE your education. Take the classes that will matter to YOU. This means increasing the flexibility to students and parents in creating their own learning models. There are still standards and requirements, but as we move into the future, there is increased flexibility in how you fulfill those requirements.
The Jordan School District created a committee to look at the recommendations of the state and present to the board, ways we can implement this in the Jordan School District. For the better part of 2018, this committee reviewed our old requirements and considered how they should change.
December 2017, the Utah State Board of Education changed some of their 7 and 8-grade requirements to allow local LEAs (districts and schools) flexibility in administrating our state standards. For those who want more local control, this is a BIG step. It is also a step towards creating personalized learning environments.
The changes ultimately approved seemed small but they are BIG. We still have an overall desire that 7th and 8th graders are exposed to a variety of classes so they can receive broad experience. I will be honest with you, this is basically the same thing that was required before.
What changed, yOUR ability to be in control of what is in the best interest of yOUR child. In the past you always could have opted your child out of required courses, but it was like the secret menu item in a fast food establishment. It was not on the menu and you need to know what to ask and when. NOW, we will EDUCATE parents how to opt-out but also why we feel these courses are important to the overall education experience of yOUR child.
This was a big step towards a Personalized Learning approach to Education. Personalized Learning is NOT picking whatever you want, it is guiding you through choices that are best for your child. It is the ability to say, This is a better course for my child to take. We will still have standards and there will still be paths for students to take, but students and parents are not in control of their own learning.